Friday, December 4, 2009

26/11 and 2012

A little late in the day I suppose, as we just observed... or celebrated?... one year of 26/11 and the movie is already a classic in today's 'next-is-what?' age. But I prefer to be a bit old fashioned in rather hopelessly stubborn ways. Therefore for me, both are still current topics, as hot as the winter in Bombay.

Is there a link between the two? ... both are about a disaster. One natural and another is fast becoming our nature. But beyond that, I feel, both underline a fact, a ruthless naked truth about life, it's biggest tragedy or it's ultimate blessing. The truth that everything comes with an expiry date including this very planet we live in.

2012, will it mark the end of man's super natural ego? his misery, his quest for happiness, his ever growing greed? Will it end his urge to destroy everything that's created by the GOD or man himself? I don't know. What we can assume however, is that it'll take a catastrophe to stop man on his path to self destruction on which he is rapidly progressing... or is he regressing?

Terrorism is a creation of man just as religion is. How intertwined they both are? you can't separate one from another. If there is no religion there is no terrorism and vice versa. Both threaten and survive and feed on each other.

We have no time in our hands, literally. This life this very life that we so beautifully plan for ourselves has no plan for itself. We don't plan our entry neither do we plan our exit. Those people who went out dining to The Taj and Trident on the eve of 26/11/08 had plans till they were brutally interrupted by AK-47s. In the movie 2012, an old Jazz singer who is nurturing a grudge for years against his son finally calls upon him but the sinking world denies him to speak two simple words "I'm sorry". Why do we take so long to say that many a times? A lifetime goes by but we dare to utter those simple words. How difficult it is, how difficult to 'let go'? When the reality is, there is absolutely nothing we can hold on to. 2012 for me was a different experience, beyond it's visual extravaganza, beyond it's breathtaking special effects, it was a learning, far deeper and far greater than what you see on the surface.

What the movie and the tragedy of 26/11 tell us is to live in NOW. Now is the time you have, now is the time to say sorry, to love, to celebrate life. If you have a dream, realize it now. Live every moment of this wonderful life as your last moment for it might turn out to be one. Everything comes with an expiry date.